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    2015-07 2013世界盃男子拳擊錦標賽攻擊拳路分析 林明佳; 邱柏偉; 王文宜
    2016-10 College experiences and career barriers among semi-professional student-athletes: The influences of athletic identity and career self-efficacy Huang, Chung-Ju; 黃崇儒; Chou, Chien-Chih; Hung, Tsung-Min
    2015-07 Competitive trait anxiety and patterns of attentional bias in archers Chuang, Lan-Ya; Huang, Chung-Ju; 黃崇儒; Hung, Tsung-Min
    2013-12 The differences in frontal midline theta power between successful and unsuccessful basketball free throws of elite basketball players Chuang, Lan-Ya; Huang, Chung-Ju; 黃崇儒; Hung, Tsung-Min
    2015-03 Effects of acute aerobic exercise on response preparation in a Go/No Go task in children with ADHD: An event-related potential study Chuang, Lan-Ya; Tsai, Yu-Jung; Chang, Yu-Kai; Huang, Chung-Ju; 黃崇儒; Hung, Tsung-Min
    2014-04 Effects of an aquatic exercise program on inhibitory control in children with ADHD: A preliminary study Chang, Yu-Kai; Hung, Chiao-Ling; Huang, Chung-Ju; 黃崇儒; Hatfield, Bradley D.; Hung, Tsung-Min
    2015-12 Effects of attentional training on visual attention to emotional stimuli in archers: A preliminary investigation Chuang, Lan-Ya; Huang, Chung-Ju; 黃崇儒; Hung, Tsung-Min
    2013-11 Exercise mode and executive function in older adults: An ERP study of task-switching Dai, Chih-Ta; Chang, Yu-Kai; Huang, Chung-Ju; 黃崇儒; Hung, Tsung-Min
    2019 Exercise type relates to inhibitory and error processing functions in older adults Li, D.;Huang, C. J.;黃崇儒; Liu, S. C.; Chang, K. H.;Hung, T. M.
    2015-09 Expert-novice differences in SMR activity during dart throwing Cheng, Ming-Yang; Hung, Chiao-Ling; Huang, Chung-Ju; 黃崇儒; Chang, Yu-Kai; Lo, Li-Chuan; Shen, Cheng; Hung, Tsung-Min
    2019 Experts’successful psychomotor performance was characterized by effective switch of motor and attentional control Wang, K. P.;Cheng, M. Y.;Chen, T. T.;Chang, Y. K.; Huang, C. J.;黃崇儒; Feng, J.;Hung, T. M.; Ren, J.
    2013-10 Frontal midline theta is a specific indicator of optimal attentional engagement during skilled putting performance Kao, Shih-Chun; Huang, Chung-Ju; 黃崇儒; Hung, Tsung-Min
    2015-09 The mediating role of critical thinking on motivation and peer interaction for motor skill performance Chou, Chien-Chih; Huang, Mei-Yao; Huang, Chung-Ju; 黃崇儒; Lu, Frank J. H.; Tu, Hsin-Yu
    2019 Moderating effect of self-esteem on the relationship between perfectionism and creative thinking among collegiate dancers Chou, C. C.;周建智;Huang, M. Y.; Lin, T. W.; Lu, J. H.;Chiu, Y. H.; Chen, J. F.
    2013-06 Motor ability and the inhibitory process in children with ADHD: A neuroelectric study Hung, Chiao-Ling; Chang, Yu-Kai; Chan, Yuan-Shuo; Shih, Chia-Hao; Huang, Chung-Ju; 黃崇儒; Hung, Tsung-Min
    2016-10 Neuroelectric and behavioral effects of acute exercise on task switching in children with attentiondeficit/hyperactivity disorder Hung, Chiao-Ling; Huang, Chung-Ju; 黃崇儒; Tsai, Yu-Jung; Chang, Yu-Kai; Hung, Tsung-Min
    2014-05 Neurofeedback training reduces frontal midline theta and improves putting performance in expert golfers Kao, Shih-Chun; Huang, Chung-Ju; 黃崇儒; Hung, Tsung-Min
    2013-11 Physical activity and working memory in healthy older adults: An ERP study Chang, Yu-Kai; Huang, Chung-Ju; 黃崇儒; Chen, Kuan-Fu; Hung, Tsung-Min
    2016-05 The relationship between physical fitness and inhibitory ability in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: An event-related potential study Tsai, Yu-Jung; Hung, Chiao-Ling; Tsai, Chia-Liang; Chang, Yu-Kai; Huang, Chung-Ju; 黃崇儒; Hung, Tsung-Min
    2019 Seeking positive strengths in buffering athletes’life stress- burnout relationship: The moderating roles of athletic mental energy Chiou, S. S.;Hsu, Y. W.; Chiu, Y. H.;Chou, C. C.;周建智; Gill, D. L.; Lu, J. H.
    2015-12 Sensorimotor rhythm neurofeedback enhance golf putting performance Cheng, Ming-Yang; Huang, Chung-Ju; 黃崇儒; Chang, Yu-Kai; Koester, Dirk; Schack, Thomas; Hung, Tsung-Min
    2015-04 A three-monthintervention of Dance Dance Revolution improves interference control in elderly females: A preliminary investigation Chuang, Lan-Ya; Hung, Hsiao-Yun; Huang, Chung-Ju; 黃崇儒; Chang, Yu-Kai; Hung, Tsung-Min
    2014-03 Type of physical exercise and inhibitory function in older adults: An event-related potential study Huang, Chung-Ju; 黃崇儒; Lin, Peng-Chun; Hung, Chiao-Ling; Chang, Yu-Kai; Hung, Tsung-Min
    2016-06 中強度急性運動對注意力缺陷過動症孩童空間工作記憶的影響 余建霖; 蔡侑蓉; 洪巧菱; 黃崇儒; 吳建霆; 洪聰敏
    2011-02 以CSFI系統提供教師教學行為之省思 錢芷萍; 邱黃瑞文; 周建智
    2009-12 以合作式概念構圖發展學童運動學習 周建智; 涂馨友
    2016-06 以神經電生理取向探討身體活動在ADHD兒童症狀與認知功能效益:文獻回顧與展望 洪巧菱; 蔡侑蓉; 黃崇儒; 洪聰敏
    2014-12 以腦波測量來探討身體活動的心理效應:1990年至2014年研究趨勢探析 莊嵐雅; 黃崇儒; 洪聰敏
    2017-12 以跨理論模式探討大學運動員之生涯準備狀況與因應策略的差異 黃崇儒; 洪聰敏
    2009-08 以電腦影音多媒體介入體育課教學後對學生體育課學習動機之影響 黃美瑤; 楊宗文; 周建智
    2008-09 休閒遊憩者對運動公園設施使用滿意度之探討--以花蓮縣立運動公園為例 呂慧中; 陳伯儀
    2009-08 作為實踐的文化學校運動文化的建構 黃光獻
    2016-06 保護乾淨運動員與運動禁藥管制教育 陳伯儀
    2010-06 健康體適能教學方案在高中體育課的應用:問題導向學習理論觀點 周建智; 黃美瑤
    2016-05 健身運動與工作記憶之文獻回顧:以研究方式及年齡層觀點探討 闕廷宇; 謝漱石; 黃崇儒; 洪聰敏
    2015-12 優秀水球運動員的自信心剖面 劉芯綺; 黃雅筑; 黃崇儒
    2008-09 全球化影響下臺灣棒球勞力輸出的現況與發展 廖皂; 陳伯儀
    2014-12 創意在體育課程與教學之探討 涂馨友; 周建智
    2010-08 創新傳佈理論之創新認知屬性研究--以臺灣運動彩券為例 張庭瑄; 鄭俊傑; 陳伯儀
    2008-08 創造性問題解決模式運用於體育教學 余雅婷; 周建智
    2011-12 動作學習歷程前決策與後決策階段中批判思考的中介角色 周建智
    2011-12 北京奧運贊助企業之品牌形象、廣告效果、品牌權益及關係品質 劉玉峯; 陳伯儀; 李雅君; 張智鈞; 彭思嘉
    2016-04 十二年國教體育課時增加的芻議--掌握翻轉契機、回歸體育本質思考 黃光獻; 周建智
    2008-06 合作學習對大專生批判思考能力的關聯性之影響 林信宏; 周建智; 黃美瑤
    2013-05 合作學習教學策略對不同學習風格學童批判思考與學習態度之影響 林雅博; 林子鈺; 王文宜
    2014-06 合作式概念構圖教學對學童批判思考能力與動作技能之影響 涂馨友; 周建智; 張思敏
    2015-09 同儕教學對國中拳擊選手運動動機和技能表現之影響 蕭璜議; 林明佳; 薛名淳; 王文宜
    2015-06 問題導向學習介入護專生健康體適能教學計畫之成效 王文宣; 闕月清; 周建智; 吳志銘
    2015-06 問題導向學習介入護專生健康體適能教學計畫之成效 王文宜; 闕月清; 周建智; 吳志銘
    2005-09 啟發性遊戲課程對國小高年級學童人際關係影響 王文宜; 周建智; 彭慧君; 葉仰道

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