本研究旨在運用音樂節奏電玩為教材,設計教學活動,並以「還原複驗實驗設計」(A-B-A-B設計)之個案實驗方法探討音樂節奏電玩對國小三年級學童節奏感之影響。研究發現1.個案在參與音樂節奏電玩教學活動後能增進節奏感。2.個案在參與音樂節奏電玩教學活動時,有很高的學習意願。本研究並針對家長、教師與後續研究提出建議。 The purpose of this “reversal-replication design” single-case experimental research is to use music rhythm video games as teaching material to teach third grade pupils and explore its influence on the subjects’ sense of rhythm and their willingness to learn. The study found that 1. Music rhythm video games can enhance subjects’ sense of rhythm. 2. Music rhythm video games can enhance subjects’ willingness to learn. Suggestions for parents, teachers, and follow-up studies are included.