2008 |
18-nor-Podocarpanes and podocarpanes from the Bark of Taiwania cryptomerioides |
Shih-Chang Chiena; Cheng-Chi Chen; Hsi-Lin Chiu; Chi-I Chang; Mei-Hwei Tseng; Yueh-Hsiung Kuoa; 張誌益; 郭悅雄; 曾梅慧; 簡世昌; 陳政琪; 邱錫臨 |
2010-03 |
2004~2008年科學教育研究與發展季刊內容分析 |
林燕青; 林靜雯 |
2001 |
Ag induced enhancement of perpendicular magnetic anisotropy |
Shern C.S.; Su C.W.; Wu Y.E.; Chen S.H.; 吳月娥; 沈青嵩; 蘇炯武 |
2002 |
Ag-induced spin-reorientation transition of Co ultrathin films on Pt(111) |
Chen, F. C.; Wu, Y. E.; Su, C. W.; Shern, C. S.; 吳月娥; 沈青嵩; 蘇炯武 |
2007 |
Allelopathy on bark of downed logs of Chamaecyparis obtusa Sieb. and Zucc. var. formosana (Hayata) Rehder |
TSENG Mei-Hwei; LAI Wen-Rong; HSIEH Chin-Lin; KUO Yueh-Hsiung; 曾梅慧; 郭悅雄; 賴文榮; 謝金霖 |
2000 |
Alloying of Co ultrathin films on Pt(111) with Ag buffer layers |
Shern, C. S.; Su, C. W.; Wu, Y. E.; Fu, T. Y.; 何慧瑩 |
2008 |
Amplification of supercontinuum by semiconductor and Er-doped fiber optical amplifiers |
K.-H. Lin; J.-H. Lin; 林奎輝 |
1997 |
Analysis of the effect of pump position on transverse modes in fiber-coupled laser-diode end pumped lasers |
Y. F. Chen; T. M. Huang; K. H. Lin; C. F. Kao; C. L. Wang; S. C. Wang; 林奎輝 |
1994 |
Analytical design of symmetrical Kerr-lens mode-locking laser cavities |
Kuei-Huei Lin; Wen-Feng Hsieh; 林奎輝; 謝文峰 |
1996 |
Analytical spatio-temporal design of Kerr lens mode-locked laser resonators |
Lin, Kuei-Huei; Hsieh, Wen-Feng; 林奎輝 |
2000 |
Annealing effects on magneto-optical Kerr effect and magnetic anisotropy in ultrathin Co films on Pt(1 1 1) |
M. -T. Lin; H. Y. Her; Y. E. Wu; C. S. Shern; J. W. Ho; C. C. Kuo; H. L. Huang; 何慧瑩 |
2004 |
Anomalous splittings of torsional sublevels induced by the aldehyde inversion motion in the S1 state of acetaldehyde |
Chou, Yung-Ching; Chen, I.-Chia; Hougen, Jon T.; 周永慶 |
2002 |
Astronomically calibrated ages for geomagnetic reversals within the Matuyama chron |
Chorng-Shern Horng; Meng-Yang Lee; Heiko P¨alike; Kuo-Yen Wei; Wen-Tzong Liang; Yoshiyuki Iizuka; Masayuki Torii; 飯塚義之; 李孟陽; 梁文宗 |
2000 |
Australasian microtektites in the South China Sea and the West Philippine Sea: Implications for age, size and location of the impact crater |
Lee, Meng-Yang; Wei, Kuo-Yen; 李孟陽 |
2006 |
The bending vibrational levels of the acetylene cation: A case study of the Renner-Teller effect in a molecule with two degenerate bending vibrations |
Tang, SJ; Chou, YC; Lin, JJM; Hsuc, YC; 周永慶 |
2006 |
Build-up of supercontinuum in heated and unheated photonic crystal fibers using a chirped femtosecond laser |
Ja-Hon Lin; Chih-Chang Hsu; Wen-Feng Hsieh; Kuei-Huei Lin; Ja-Hon Lin; Chih-Chang Hsu; Wen-Feng Hsieh; Kuei-Huei Lin; 林奎輝 |
2006 |
C35 Terpenoids from the Bark of Calocedrus macrolepis var. formosana with Activity against Human Cancer Cell Lines |
Chin-Lin Hsieh; Mei-Huims Tseng; Yi-Yuan Shao; Jang-Yang Chang; Ching-Chuan Kuo; Chi-Yen Chang; Yueh-Hsiung Kuo; 曾梅慧 |
2006 |
Calocedimers A, B, C, and D from the bark of Calocedrus macrolepis var. formosana |
HSIEH Chin-Lin; SHIU Lung-Lin; TSENG Mei-Huims; SHAO Yi-Yuan; KUO Yueh-Hsiung; 曾梅慧; 郭悅雄; 邵貽沅 |
2002 |
Capping effect in magnetic properties of Ag ultra-thin films on Co/Pt(111) |
Wu Y.E.; Su C.W.; Chen F.C.; Shern C.S.; Chen R.H.; 蘇炯武 |
2005 |
A case study about teacher's pedagogical content knowledge influencing in students' mental models in acids and bases |
Jing-Wen Lin; Mei-Hung Chiu; 林靜雯 |
2011-04 |
A CASPT2 investigation of the photodissociation reactions of methyl formate in the S1 and T1 states |
Yung-Ching Chou; 周永慶 |
2011-04 |
A CASPT2 investigation of the photodissociation reactions of methyl formate in the S1 and T1 states |
Yung-Ching Chou; Y.-C. Chou; 周永慶 |
2007 |
The Charm Parton Content of the Nucleon |
Pumplin, J.; Lai, H. L.; Tung, W. K. |
2001 |
Chirped amplification of picosecond gain-switched laser pulse by using traveling-wave semiconductor optical amplifier |
Gong-Ru Lin; Shih-Kai Lee; Kuei-Huei Lin; 林奎輝 |
2009-07 |
Collider Inclusive Jet Data and the Gluon Distribution |
Jon Pumplin; J. Huston; H.L. Lai; 賴宏亮; P. M. Nadolsky; Wu-Ki Tung; C.-P. Yuan |