At the Sixteenth National Phonetic Academic conference held by the National Changhwa
Normal University on March 28, 1998. Ching-hwa, Taiwan, Professor Chu chia-ninpresented a
paper entitled "A Study of Fan-chieh' in the Tun-huang Book No. P2901Collected in Parils." This
writer was fortunate enough to be invited to participate in the discussion of the above paper. As the
time allotted for the post-presentation review was confined to merely ten minutes and moreover, my
views on the issue under discussion were quite divergent from those of Professor Chu. many
predecessors, experts, and friends of mine encouraged me to write a paper to elaborate on what
could not be fully discussed at the conference. This is how this paper originated.
This paper consists of six main parts: I.) introduction; II.) a summary of Professor Chu's article;
III.) the merits of Professor Chu's article; IV.) an examination of Professor Chu's sources; V.) an
analysis and a supplement of the examples given in Professor Chu's article; and VI.) this writer's
views on the characteristics and uses of the Tun-huang book. The paper concludes that the
Tun-huang Book which still belongs to the "chieh-yun" phonetic system was written for the sake of
convenience of reading some book of Buddhism.