The purpose of this study is to investigate the differences between the original version and an adapted version of The Borrowers. After this story was adapted from novel to animation, because the context of the movie was in Japan instead of Britain and the medium was an animation film rather than a novel, some elements of the story were changed. This study will explore these changes in three sections. The first section is the discussion of Mary Norton, Miyazaki Hayao, and research about adaptation. The second section is the discussion of the cultural differences demonstrated in the novel and the animation. The last section is the discussion of the structural differences between the novel and the animation. All the changes caused by cultural and medium differences make the story of those little borrowers be presented in a very different way, which not only creates a new life for Mary Norton’s novel in another medium but also reaches a new audience in Asia.
本研究旨在針對瑪麗‧諾頓(Kathleen Mary Norton)的經典小說著作The Borrowers,與宮崎駿改編的動畫作品《借りぐらしのアリエッティ》,進行比較分析。在改編的過程中,有兩大因素導致原著作品及改編作品呈現相當不同的手法。其一為作者的文化背景不同;其二為敘事結構不同。藉由改編過程,因為文化背景及敘事結構的不同,宮崎駿用自己的方式,重新詮釋出一個更貼近東方生活的借物者故事。