摘要: | 本研究旨在探討布魯姆精熟學習方案對國小。其主要的研究結果,可歸納為下列幾點: 1.在數學教學意見調查方面:三組學童在第2.等題的人數百分比,有顯著差異;而在第1.等題的人數百分比,差異未達顯著水準。 2.在數學學業成就方面:(1)「精熟學習組」、「一般教學+形成性測驗組」及控制組的數學學業成就後測得分,無顯著差異;(2)實施教學前後測的比較,「精熟學習組」、「一般教學+形成性測驗組」及控制組的數學學業成就變異量,有顯著下降的現象;(3) 「精熟學習組」、「一般教學+形成性測驗組」及控制組的數學科操作性評量後測得分,無顯著不同;(4)實施教學前後測的比較,「精熟學習組」、「一般教學+形成性測驗組」及控制組的數學科操作性評量變異量,有顯著降低的趨勢。 3.在數學自我觀念方面:(1)精熟學習組、「一般教學+形成性測驗組」及控制組的數學自我觀念後測得分,無顯著不同;(2)實施教學前後測的比較,則無顯著差異。 The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of Bloom's mastery learning upon the achievement and selfconcept in mathematics of elementary school children. The major findings of this study are as follows : 1.In the mathematics instructions : the proportions of the three groups of students who answered the questions 2, 3, 6, 8, 10, attained to significant difference, while in the questions 1, 4, 5, 7, 9, there were no significant difference. 2.In the cognitive domain : (1) the mathematics achievement of post-test scores of the three groups were no significant differences ;(2)the comparison between pretest and post-test, the variation of mathematics achievement of the three groups decreased significantly ;(3)the mathematics operational measurement of post-test scores of the three groups did not change significantly; (4)the comparison between pre-test and post-test, the variation of mathematics operational measurement in the E1, E2 group and the control group tended to decrease significantly. 3.In the affective domain :(1)the three groups in the post-test scores of mathematics self-concept showed no significant differences ;(2)the comparison between pretest and post-test, the mathematics self-concept of the E1 and E2 group was significantly positive; while the E2 and control group showee no significant difference. |