This session will address the diagnostic results and process of using Gordon’s Intermediate Measures of Music Audiation (IMMA) and Musical Aptitude Profile (MAP) to measure tonal and rhythmic aptitudes for 30 students with special needs in third through sixth grades in Taipei, Taiwan. Compared to norms, this study will share the practices for assessment in music education across diverse educational system.
Meanwhile, the research priorities will focus on the effects of demographic characteristics of children with special needs on musical potential, especially in an Asian country with different cultures other than Westerns. The difficulties to administer musical tests for children with special needs will also be presented. This session will share the strategies and techniques for practitioners to learn how to make an accommodation during testing and enhance their ability to assess student music potential and learning most effectively.
研究者在多年從事特殊兒童音樂治療與教學的經驗中發現,許多特殊兒童的音樂優勢不受障礙類型或嚴重程度的影響,但目前以一般兒童為主的音樂性向測量文獻,很少提及與特殊兒童音樂性向相關的研究結果。有鑒於近年來特殊教育政策持續朝向融合教育的理念發展,考量特殊兒童的特質並應用適合的音樂媒介也受到重視,特教或音樂老師必須為孩子提供多元的評量與教學策略、並適時調整孩子的教育方案,因此了解特殊兒童的音樂性向與能力、並依此提供適性的音樂教學已逐漸成為特教領域強調的課題。是故本研究將以台北市某國小三到六年級資源班與特教班共30位兒童為對象進行前導研究,以Gordon所發展、適用於一到四年級兒童的「音樂性向中級聽力測驗」(Intermediate Measures of Music Audiation,簡稱IMMA)做為測量的工具,並從中選取測驗PR(percentile rank)值達85%的兒童繼續完成難度更高、也相當周全的「音樂性向測驗」(Musical Aptitude Profile,簡稱MAP)。本研究亟欲藉此了解這30位兒童之高音(tonal)與節奏(rhythmic)性向的潛在能力,並進一步探究這些兒童之內在、外在背景因素是否對其音樂性向造成影響,同時就特殊兒童完成測量可能遭遇困難及施測人員應具備的能力及調整方法等提出研究的發現與建議,做為未來大樣本研究之參照。