Abstract Kant (1724) is a great philosopher who, dedicated his life to philosophy. His educational thought derived from his philosophy has a mighty implication for later age. The work of Kant's Education (Kant, 1803) combined his vigorous philosophy and educational spirit in his life, and it has great infuence for the education after his time. Kant stresses the importance of letting develop freely. Kant thinks that education is a process which enrich the value of life. During this process, all the effort is for the true,the good and the beatiful. In terms of: (1) intellectual development, Kant expects that children would learn to think independently and to seek truth courageously. (2) moral development, Kant expects that children would follow the ethical rules and cultivate the virtue of Kindness. (3) aesthetic development, Kant expects children to have a peaceful and creative characteristics. (4) physical development, Kant advocates the training of body and mind for the purpose of sound development. In summary, the educational theory of Kant indeed has it's own consummate point of views, especially in the field ofthe eduction of children.