摘要: | 中文摘要 電腦繪圖及影像處理之應用領域無遠弗屆,由工程製造,視聽媒體,商業設計等皆顯示其對繪圖需求及重要性,在教育上亦不例外,電腦繪圖軟體為教育上之重要工具,尤其是電腦輔助教學(CAI)課程軟體設計上常需要大量圖形資料,然而圖形處理不易,故為CAI設計階段上瓶頸之一。 本系統設計之用途主要作為CAI及影像資料庫之圖形建立與處理工具,圖形建立可透過多種輸入設備,如影像掃描器,數位板,滑鼠等進行輸入與設計,功能上提供: (1)基本編輯功能:構圓、方形、不規則圖形,多樣化線條之繪製,橡皮擦之抹除,圖形復原及搬移,區域樣式填充。 (2)剪圖與貼圖:可跨越圖形檔案間進行編修組合。 (3)列印功能:列印次數、列印邏輯變化、網底選擇、列印方向之各種設定。 (4)字型:在脫離中文系統下,提供中文、注音、英文字型,可選擇字型顯示方向、字距、字體大小、中文字型(楷書、明體…),字體型態及兩種中文輸入法。 (5)存取檔格式:提供三種圖形檔案之載入或儲存。 (6)任意角度旋轉,任意比例放大縮小,區域整體垂直水平翻轉。 (7)提供圖形動畫展示功能及其獨立模組。 本系統處理之影像圖形資料,可提供任意程式語言程式設計上使用,或單色版CAT系統取用,將可提昇影像資料系統、CAI課程軟體製作之效率與品質。
Abstract Computer graphics and image processing are widely used, there is no exception of education area. Computer graphics software is an important tool for computer assisted instruction (CAI). The graphics processing of courseware design is very difficult, thus, it is a bottleneck in CAI and is significant topic to be studied. The purpose of this study is to develop computer graphics system; The paper illustrates the function of system, the method of system analysis and design. The developed system is to served as a graphics processing tool for CAI and image database. Pictures can be created through a variety of input devices, such as image scanner, digitizer, etc. This system provides the following functions: (1) Basic editing function: Draw (ellipse, circle, arc, square, line, polygon), eraser, and undo. (2) Picture cutting and pasting: Combine pictures within different graphics files. (3) Print function: User can set times of printing, scaling, logical combination, direction, and add background pattern. (4) Chinese/English pattern selection and input methods: Without other Chinese system program supports, this system provides Chinese/English pattern. Users can select display direction, word distance, and pattern type. It supplies two kinds of Chinese input methods. (5) Graphics file format: The system can access tree kinds of picture files' format. (6) Picture movement, rotation, copy, filling, brushing, and scaling. (7) Picture animation showing and modular. The output files of this system can be utilized by any computer language and CAT system (computer authoring tool: monochorome version). Using this system can make courseware design more efficient and make it's quality improved. |