摘要: | 中文摘要 退溪,李滉先生,生於朝鮮燕山君七年(公元一五○一年);卒於宣祖三年(公元一五七○年),約當明代弘治隆慶間,為朝鮮李朝之理學大儒,承襲程朱,出入陸王,乃創退溪學,為李朝實學奠基。 退溪師朱子淳熙六年應詔上疏及戊申封事之指意,作聖學十圖為帝王教,力言格君心之非,而引君當道之為治平之大本。其說之本體在於太極、西銘,用理一分殊,體用兼濟之理;而嚴守中道,不蹈墨楊之偏陷,乃所以「求端擴充,體天應道」;其說之功用,則著眼於日用云為之際,乃所以「明善誠身,崇德廣業」也。至其工夫,則在一敬字,故退溪曰:「今之十圖皆以敬為主焉」。此十圖實為退溪畢生心血之所凝,亦為退溪學派之不朽鴻業,故歷代朝鮮學者咸以經書目之,而尊退溪為海東聖人焉。 觀夫退溪聖學圖之綱目,與夫思想體系,以及入道進德之工夫,俱能祖述洙泗,憲章程朱,而臻體用兼濟,天人妙合之境。宜其說衣被百世,流惠海東,爛若日星之明,歷久而彌新也。 朱子之撰紫陽綱目,以大者為綱,小者為目;取精用宏,體大思深,余私心慕之,謹依其例,首論退溪聖學圖之思想綱領,以見其大且深;次析退溪聖學圖之思想細目,以辨其精且微:由是而之焉,則聖學圖之思想體系,庶幾乎可以煥然而彰耶。
Abstract Li T'oegye (1501-1570), born in the period of Chinese Ming Dynasty, was a great Neo-Confucianism master in Korean Lee Dynasty. He, not only inherited from the Neo-Confucianism of Chu Hsi, but also had a full knowledge of Lu-Wang's study of human mind. Being concerned about the need of his country, he created the distinguished and unique T'oegye School of Neo-Confucianism which thus laid profound foundation on Lee Dynasty's practical philosophy. Following the motive which Chu Hsi had proclaimed in the appeal he submitted to the emperor, T'oegye wrote The Diagrams of the Learning of the Sages to serve as a teaching for the emperors. In the Diagrams, he particularly pointed out the foundamental priciple to rule a nation is to correct the emperor's culpabibility and direct the proper way for the emperors. The Ten Diagrams, the essences of T'oegye's study throughout his lifetime, are the major masterpiece of The T'oegye School. This work was thus esteemed as the "Canon" and T'oegye won the honorable title as "The Sage of Hai-Tung." (海東聖人) Chu Hsi edited Tzu Yang Kang Mu (紫陽綱目), in which he organized the major issues as the general outlines and the minor issues as precise items. In the present paper I will follow Chu Hsi's way of editing; first, I will illustrate the general outline of thoughts in T'oegye's The Diagrams of the Learning of the Sages to present its magnitude and profundity; second, I will analyze the precise items of thoughts in T'oegye's The Diagrams of the Learning of the Sages to distinguish its exactitude and exquisiteness. By this way, the system of thoughts of The Diagrams of the Learning of the Sages will be brilliantly illuminated. |