摘要: | 中文摘要 全國九所師專已於七十六學年度同時改制為師範學院,並將於次年成立進修部。為瞭解現職小學自然科教師對於數理系之自然選科選課意願,而進行此調查。研究結果可提供給教育行政單位做為課程安排之參考。 調查結果顯示,教師對於小學自然科教材不精熟的程度依序為:常見植物、氣象學、地質學、物理學、植物學、天文學、生態學、化學、常見動物、電磁學、自然科教學研究、顯微技術。以上可做為訂定必修科目及開課內容之參考。 而調查教師如果在數理學系選課,依其個人選修意願,認為開課之需要依次為:電腦概論、天文學、地球科學、本地植物、電腦語言、本地動物、氣象、自然科教學研究、地質學、生態學、植物學、動物學、生物化學、普通化學、電磁學、普通物理、力學、光學、物理化學、有機化學、分析化學、微積分等。此結果可做為訂定選修科目之參考。 由第一部分與第二部分之調查結果,可知教師對於教材的不精熟程度與其進修意願大抵吻合。唯有二點值得提出討論:一為目前國小無電腦課程,但教師認為電腦課程迫切需要。二為教師對於物理教材並不精熟,然而進修物理課程的意願不高。
Abstract All junior teachers' colleges will be promoted to teachers' colleges in 1987. In the following years, the colleges will set up in-service training programs. The purpose of this survey was to find out the teacher's respiration of taking science courses in college. The findings shall provide suggestions for educational administration authoriries in designing the curriculum for science education program. The questionnaire was designed for 216 elementary school science teachers. The first part of the questionnaire, we asked the teachers to evaluate their own teaching compentency in using science educational materials in order to understand what subjects are needed for teacher to enhance. The second part of the questionnaire we asked the teachers to answer what courses they are interested in most and what are they need most. According to the result of the survey, the courses that college should offer, in order from the most needed to less needed are as follow: Local Flora, Mechanics, Meteorology, Geology, Physics, Optics & Heat, Botany, Astronomy, Ecology, Chemistry, Insects & Birds, Electricity & Magnetism, Teaching Method & Pratice in Natural Science, Microtechnique. And the courses that teachers are interested in most and feel need most are as follow: Introduction to Computer. Astronomy, Earth Science, Local Flora, Program Language, Local Animals, Meteorology, Science Teaching Materials, Geology, Ecology, Botany, Zoology, Biochemistry, General Chemistry, Electricity& Magnetism, Physics, Mechanics, Optics & Heat, Physiochemistry, Organic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Calculus. |