摘要: | 中文摘要 本研究以臺北市三所幼稚園中大班幼兒及其母親,共152對為對象。主要在研究決定獨立性與成就行為的重要教養因素;並探討智力、社經水準、性別、年齡對於教養、獨立、成就之影響;且提出早期獨立訓練、早期成就訓練,與教養、獨立、成就之相關。「學前兒童獨立性問卷」分別請受試幼兒之母親及班老師評量之;「母親教養態度問卷」請母親填答;「動作知覺成就」、「識別記憶成就」、「社會能力成就」及畫人測驗,則由研究者與受試幼兒一對一進行實驗。 本研究結果發現,決定受試幼兒獨立性的重要教養因素有四,最重要因素為精神懲罰態度,其次為忽視、命令、保護等消極教養態度;母親持更多的精神懲罰、忽視、命令、保護等教養態度,其幼兒愈不獨立。沒定受試幼兒記憶成就的最重要教養因素是拒絕態度,其次是物質獎勵態度;母親持更多的拒絕與物質獎勵態度,其幼兒之記憶成就表現愈差。 本研究結果同時顯示,學前兒童之獨立性、動作知覺成就、識別記憶成就,分別與其智力呈正相關,而消極的母親教養態度與學前兒童之智力呈負相關。當剔除智力共變影響量以後發現:低社經水準受試幼兒比高社經水準受試幼兒更獨立;就社會能力成就而言,女生比男生更優秀,中班比大班更優秀;就動作知覺成就而言,大班比中班更優秀;就母親教養態度而言,低社經水準母親比高社經水準母親,持用較多的保護、拒絕、忽視等消極教養態度,另外,母親對待女孩比對待男孩更持寬鬆的教養態度。同時,獨立與成就呈正相關。 本研究另一項結果顯示,愈早獨立訓鍊,受試幼兒愈獨立;愈早成就訓練,受試幼兒之記成憶就愈差,但其社會能力成就愈優秀;而且早期獨立訓練與早期成就訓練呈正相關存在。
Abstract The subjects of this study is 152 pairs of mothers and their children who are now in the medium and senior class of three kindergartens in Taipei city. The study is to find out (1) the child-rearing determinant factors of independence and achievement behavior. (2) the influence of I.Q., social-economic level, gender, age on child-rearing, independence, achievement behavior. (3) the correlation among early independent training, early achievement training and child-rearing, independence, achievement behavior. "Que-stionnaire of pre-schoolers' independence" is filled in by kindergarten teachers and their mothers of children. "Questionnaire of mothers' child-rearing attitude" is filled in by the mothers. "Motor-Perceptual achievement", "Discrimination Remember Learning achievement", "Social Interaction skills achievement" and "Draw-a-Man Test" are made by on-the-site experiment one-on-one by the attitudes of mothers are negatively correlated with preschoolers' I.Q.. After taking out the covariance of the I.Q., it is found (1) The children of low social-economic level are more independent than those of high social-economic level (2) As for social interaction skills, girls are better than boys, medium class children are better than senior class children. (3) As for motor-perceptual achievement, senior class children are better than medium class children. (4) On child-rearing attitude, mothers of low social economic level adopt more negative attitude like protective, rejecting, neglecting. (5) Mothers are more casual to the girls than to the boys. (6) Independence are positively correlated to researcher and the child. It is found (1) There are four important child-rearing determinant factors on child's independence, symbolic-love punishment neglecting, demanding, protecting. The more inclined of these factors by mothers, the less is children's independence. (2) There are two important child-rearing determinant factors on child's achievement. The study also shows, the independence, motor-perceptual achievement, discrimiation remember learning achievement of pre-schoolers in this experiment are positively correlated with I.Q.. And the extent of the negative child-rearing achievement behavior. The study also shows (1) The earlier the independent training, the better the child's independence. (2) The earlier the achievement training, the better the social interaction skills achievement, but the worse the discrimination remember learning achievement of the children. (3) There are positively correlation of early independent training and early achievement training. |