Since current science curricula are centered on Han students, it fails to indicate therelationship between scientific knowledge and indigenous culture. As a result, Aboriginalstudents are unable to understand the purpose of studying science. Game-based learning isan innovative teaching design and learning method that mainly utilizes the delight andenjoyment of games to achieve learning or educational objectives. Game-based learningcan simultaneously support formal and informal learning, effectively linking them togetherto foster problem solving, communication, negotiation, and team work abilities amonglearners. Providing learners with a fun and challenging learning environment and flowexperience, while providing sufficient learning resources and control, will have a positiveeffect on learning. Paired learning is a form of cooperative learning that puts two people ina group. A clear cognitive interaction process allows learners to achieve common learninggoals. The supportive goal structure produced from paired cooperation enables individualsto achieve better performance, more active interpersonal relationships, and better mentaladaptation compared with competitive or individual goal structures. Therefore, this studydesigned an educational and fun game-based learning APP with intriguing stories, inwhich students who are either high achievers or low achievers can be paired into groupsfor learning through games. This study explores the interactivity between group membersto further understand the differences in their learning effectiveness and self-confidence oflearning.
TCSSE International Conference Of Science And Technology,Organized by the Canadian Research Centre for Humanities and Science,2014-08-26~27